Desk, Examination, or Review Copy Request

United Front
Projecting Solidarity through Deliberation in Vietnam’s Single-Party Legislature
Paul Schuler

Request Types

  • Review copies are for media who plan to give the book to a reviewer.
  • Desk copies are for instructors who have adopted the book for a class and meet our desk copy requirements.
  • Examination copies are for instructors who are considering using a text but have not adopted it.

Review Copy Requests

If you would like to review one of our titles for a periodical or other publication, please email with the following information:

  • Name, publication
  • Name and author requested book
  • Do you require a print or ebook? Please note we prefer to provide ebooks whenever possible.
  • Mailing address (if a print book is requested)
Please note that submissions from individuals or professors requiring a desk or examination copy cannot be approved though this method.

Desk and Examination Copies—Digital

Please scroll to Desk and Examination Copies—Print at the end of this page if you are looking for a print copy.

Select Type of Request

  1. New users click "Request Access." Returning users log in with email address and password.
  2. Follow the instructions to submit your request. Please note the details of the course you are teaching must be provided.
  3. Once your request for a digital copy has been approved, you will receive log-in details for your own personal electronic bookshelf.

Please be advised that it may take up to two weeks for requests to be reviewed, and that all requests will be addressed in the order in which they are received.

From your electronic bookshelf you will be able to:
  • download and read the textbooks you have requested within 60 days
  • submit feedback
  • request an extension
  • request further books

For help accessing your ebook check the digital comps website help first. If that does not answer your question(s), please contact us at

If you are requesting a book on behalf of someone else, enter in the name and email of the individual for whom the digital comp is intended for instead of your own as it will be locked to this email address.

Desk and Examination Copies—Print

US and Canada

Print desk copies requests to the US and Canada are processed by our distributor Ingram Academic Publishers. Click here to request a printed copy for a small fee.

Europe, Middle East, Africa, & Asia-Pacific

Requests must be submitted to our international distributor, Combined Academic Publishers. Follow this link and select International Print Orders.

Latin America

Print desk copies are not available in Latin America

While we would much prefer to provide a digital copy, in some cases you may feel that a print copy is necessary. If you cannot utilise a digital copy, please follow this link to request a printed copy for a small fee.