Liberating the United Nations
Realism with Hope
Richard Falk and Hans von Sponeck


Geopolitical World Map
UN Organigram
The UN Global Governance System in 2023
Preface: Overcoming UN Marginalization—an Urgent Imperative
Foreword by Dr. Walden Bello
Part One: An Evolving Narrative
1Profiling the UN
2From the League of Nations to the United Nations
3Multilateralism during the Cold War and Beyond
4The UN Global Policy Agenda for the Twenty-First Century
Part Two: How the UN Copes with Challenges to the Charter, Institutional Integrity, Geopolitical Manipulation
5Palestine Occupied: The UN Frustrated
6Iraq: Oil for Food—the Dilemma of Geopolitical Humanitarianism
7Syria: The Douma Deception—Institutional Integrity versus the Primacy of Geopolitics
Part Three: Institutional Obstacles to Mitigate
8Responsibility to Protect (R2P), National Sovereignty, and Geopolitical Ambition
9Civil Society Participation in the UN: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Pitfalls
Part Four: Toward the Future
10The Unmet Challenge of UN Reform: Institutional and Operational Perspectives
11Institutional Reforms: Amending the Charter, Prospects and Options
12The UN of the Future: The Grand Challenge—Realism with Hope
Reflections: Nine Young Leaders and Their Visions about the UN of Tomorrow
Afterword by Ahmet Davutoğlu
Note of Acknowledgment
Selected Bibliography