Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators

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Packer, Herbert L. [Author], The Limits of the Criminal Sanction
Parisi, Francesco [Editor], The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior
Park, Eugene Y. [Author], Korea: A History
Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar [Author], Unfree: Migrant Domestic Work in Arab States
Parreñas, Rhacel S. [Editor], Asian Diasporas: New Formations, New Conceptions
Patch, Robert W. [Author], Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1648-1812
           The Sexual Contract
Patocka, Jan [Author], Plato and Europe
Paxton, Robert O. [Author], Vichy France and the Jews: Second Edition
Pedatella, Stefan [Translated by], "What Is an Apparatus?" and Other Essays
Pentcheva, Bissera V. [Author], Audiovision in the Middle Ages
Peperzak, Adriaan T. [Author], Elements of Ethics
Pérez-Perdomo, Rogelio [Author], Latin American Lawyers: A Historical Introduction
Pérez-Perdomo, Rogelio [Editor], Law in Many Societies: A Reader
Peri, Yoram [Author], The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Perpich, Diane [Author], The Ethics of Emmanuel Levinas
Perreau, Bruno [Author], Queer Theory: The French Response
Perry, William [Author], My Journey at the Nuclear Brink
Peters, Julie Stone [Author], Congreve, the Drama, and the Printed Word
Peterson, Erik [Author], Theological Tractates
Peterson, Ruth [Editor], Crime and Inequality
Peucker, Brigitte [Author], The Material Image: Art and the Real in Film
Phillips, Quitman Eugene [Author], The Practices of Painting in Japan, 1475-1500
Phillips, Robert L. [Author], Pricing Credit Products
Picci, Lucio [Author], Reputation-Based Governance
Pickford, Henry [Translated by], In Praise of Nonsense: Kant and Bluebeard
Pickowicz, Paul G. [Editor], The Chinese Cultural Revolution as History
Pizzigoni, Caterina [Editor], Testaments of Toluca
Plath, David W. [Author], Long Engagements: Maturity in Modern Japan
Plug, Jan [Translated by], That Is to Say: Heidegger’s Poetics
Poinar, George O. [Author], Life in Amber
Poirier, Richard [Author], Robert Frost: The Work of Knowing
Pomer, Marshall [Editor], The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry
Ponge, Francis [Author], Soap
Porter, Catherine [Translated by], Sublime Poussin
           On Representation
Porter, Duncan M. [Author], Flora of the Galapagos Islands
Porter, James I. [Author], The Invention of Dionysus
Porter, Katherine [Editor], Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class
Post, James [Author], Private Management and Public Policy
Potts, C. Brady [Editor], The Civic Life of American Religion
Powell, Walter W. [Editor], The Nonprofit Sector
           Private Management and Public Policy
Pritchard, Elizabeth A. [Author], Religion in Public: Locke's Political Theology