Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators

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Tagliacozzo, Eric [Editor], Southeast Asia and the Middle East
Takeuchi, Melinda [Editor], The Artist as Professional in Japan
Tanenbaum, Mary Mayer [Author], Fishing on the Terrace
Tarnowski, Andrea [Translated by], Poetry as Experience
Taubes, Jacob [Author], The Political Theology of Paul
           Occidental Eschatology
Taussig-Rubbo, Mateo [Editor], After Secular Law
Taylor, James L. [Author], A Portuguese-English Dictionary
Taylor, Karla [Author], Chaucer Reads “The Divine Comedy”
Taylor, Robert H. [Editor], The Idea of Freedom in Asia and Africa
Taylor, Timothy [Editor], The Mosaic of Economic Growth
Tenen, Dennis [Author], Plain Text: The Poetics of Computation
Terrill, Ross [Author], Madame Mao: The White-Boned Demon
           Mao: A Biography
Tetlock, Philip E. [Editor], Prejudice, Politics, and the American Dilemma
Thomas, John Hunter [Author], Flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California
Thompson, Roger R. [Translated by], Report from Xunwu
Throop, C. Jason [Editor], Toward an Anthropology of the Will
Tiedemann, Rolf [Editor], Metaphysics: Concept and Problems
Tiews, Matthew [Editor], Crowds
Tilton, Lauren [Author], Layered Lives
Tomita, Mary Kimoto [Author], Dear Miye: Letters Home From Japan 1939-1946
Toscano, Alberto [Translated by], Handbook of Inaesthetics
           Shakespeare: The Last Phase
           Shakespeare: The Roman Plays
Traxler, Loa P. [Author], The Ancient Maya, 6th Edition
Treadgold, Warren [Author], A History of the Byzantine State and Society
           Byzantium and Its Army, 284-1081
Treharne, Elaine [Author], Text Technologies: A History
           Women as War Criminals
Tropper, Faigie [Translated by], The Jews of Pinsk, 1881 to 1941
Trujillo, Roberto G. [Editor], New Views on R. Buckminster Fuller
Tsao, Frederick Chavalit [Author], Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business
Tsing, Anna L. [Editor], Feral Atlas
Tugendhaft, Aaron [Editor], Idol Anxiety
Turiel, Isaac [Author], Indoor Air Quality and Human Health
Turnbull, Thomas [Editor], Energy's History: Toward a Global Canon
           A Theory of Social Interaction
Turner, Jonathan H. [Editor], Social Theory Today
Tushnet, Mark [Editor], Arguing Marbury v. Madison
Twining, William [Editor], Bentham: Selected Writings of John Dinwiddy
Twitchett, Denis [Editor], Confucian Personalities
Tyree, J. M. [Author], Vanishing Streets: Journeys in London