Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators

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Sagan, Scott D. [Editor], Inside Nuclear South Asia
Saikaku, Ihara [Author], The Great Mirror of Male Love
Samman, Amin [Author], History in Financial Times
Sampson, Geoffrey [Author], Schools of Linguistics
Sandler, Stephanie [Editor], Sexuality and the Body in Russian Culture
Sansom, George [Author], A History of Japan to 1334
           A History of Japan, 1334-1615
           A History of Japan, 1615-1867
           Japan: A Short Cultural History
Sansom, Peter [Author], California School Law: Third Edition
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa [Author], If God Were a Human Rights Activist
Sapiro, Gisèle [Author], The Sociology of Literature
Sarat, Austin [Editor], Law on the Screen
           The Limits of Law
           Cause Lawyers and Social Movements
           How Law Knows
           Law and the Sacred
           Forgiveness, Mercy, and Clemency
           Law and Catastrophe
           Law and the Stranger
           Law without Nations
           The Secrets of Law
           Law and War
           Law and the Utopian Imagination
Satia, Priya [Author], Empire of Guns
Saunders, Max [Editor], Ego Media
Saussy, Haun [Author], The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic
Savage, Robert [Translated by], Visconti: Insights into Flesh and Blood
           The Price of Monotheism
Savvides, Andreas [Author], Human Capital and Economic Growth
Schalow, Paul Gordon [Translated by], The Great Mirror of Male Love
           Rendering French Realism
Scheingold, Stuart A. [Editor], Cause Lawyers and Social Movements
Scheirer, Walter [Author], A History of Fake Things on the Internet
Schell, Jonathan [Author], The Fate of the Earth and The Abolition
           Intersectional Design Cards
Schink, Werner O. [Author], The Burden of Support
Schmidt, Martin B. [Author], The Wages of Wins
Schnapp, Jeffrey T. [Editor], Crowds
Schneewind, Sarah [Author], Community Schools and the State in Ming China
           Fraud: The World of Ona'ah
Schröder, Thomas [Editor], Problems of Moral Philosophy
Schwandt, Thomas [Author], Evaluation Foundations Revisited
Schwenger, Peter [Author], Fantasm and Fiction: On Textual Envisioning
Sciortino, Giuseppe [Author], Great Minds: Encounters with Social Theory
Scott, W. Richard [Author], Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach
Scott-Curtis, Conrad [Translated by], At Odds With Aids: Thinking and Talking About a Virus
Seel, Martin [Author], Aesthetics of Appearing
Seidman, Louis Michael [Author], Silence and Freedom
Selee, Andrew Dan [Author], What Should Think Tanks Do?
Senkewicz, Robert M. [Author], Vigilantes in Gold Rush San Francisco
Servén, Luis [Editor], The Limits of Stabilization
Shapira, Anita [Author], Land and Power
           Yosef Haim Brenner: A Life
Sharer, Robert J. [Author], The Ancient Maya, 6th Edition
Sharf, Elizabeth Horton [Editor], Living Images: Japanese Buddhist Icons in Context
Sherwin, Martin J. [Author], A World Destroyed
Sherwin, Martin J. [Foreword by], The Wizards of Armageddon
Shipp, Stephanie S. [Editor], The Science of Science Policy: A Handbook
Shohet, Azriel [Author], The Jews of Pinsk, 1881 to 1941
Shreve, Forrest [Author], Vegetation and Flora of the Sonoran Desert
Shun, Kwong-loi [Author], Mencius and Early Chinese Thought
Siegel, James [Author], Naming the Witch
Silbey, Joel H. [Author], The American Political Nation, 1838-1893
Silverman, Kaja [Author], World Spectators
           Flesh of My Flesh
Simon, Herbert A. [Author], Reason in Human Affairs
Simons, Thomas W. [Author], Islam in a Globalizing World
Singh, J.P. [Editor], Cultural Values in Political Economy
Sissa, Giulia [Author], The Daily Life of the Greek Gods
Sitze, Adam [Translated by], Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude
Skinner, G. William [Editor], The Chinese City Between Two Worlds
Sklansky, David Alan [Author], Democracy and the Police
Slater, Michael [Author], Dickens and Women
Sloterdijk, Peter [Author], Out of the World
Small, Andrea [Author], Intersectional Design Cards
Smith, Alice Kimball [Editor], Robert Oppenheimer
Smith, Carel [Editor], The Rhetoric of Sincerity
Smith, Chadwick Truscott [Translated by], Walter Benjamin: Images, the Creaturely, and the Holy
Smith, James K. A. [Translated by], The Crossing of the Visible
Smyth, Henry D. [Author], Atomic Energy for Military Purposes
Sniderman, Paul M. [Editor], Prejudice, Politics, and the American Dilemma
Sokol, D. Daniel [Editor], The Global Limits of Competition Law
           Competition Law and Development
           Competition and the State
Sommer, Matthew H. [Author], Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China
Sparks, Simon [Editor], Multiple Arts: The Muses II
Spingarn, Adena [Author], Uncle Tom: From Martyr to Traitor
Spinner, Samuel J. [Author], Jewish Primitivism
Ssorin-Chaikov, Nikolai V. [Author], The Social Life of the State in Subarctic Siberia
Stablein, Ralph E. [Editor], Renewing Research Practice
Stacy, Helen M. [Introduction by], International Law and the Future of Freedom
Stafford, William [Author], The Mozart Myths: A Critical Reassessment
Stamatopoulou-Robbins, Sophia [Author], Waste Siege: The Life of Infrastructure in Palestine
Stanford Environmental Law Soc, [Author], The Endangered Species Act
           The Socialist Patriot
Starr, Harvey [Author], State Failure in the Modern World
Stavrinaki, Maria [Author], Dada Presentism: An Essay on Art and History
Steflja, Izabela [Author], Women as War Criminals
Stein, R. A. [Author], Tibetan Civilization
Stein, Sarah Abrevaya [Author], Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700–1950
           Ninette of Sin Street
           The Holocaust and North Africa
Steinberg, Stephen [Author], Race Relations: A Critique
Steiner, Kurt [Author], Local Government in Japan
Steller, Georg Wilhelm [Author], Journal of a Voyage with Bering, 1741-1742
Stengos, Thanasis [Author], Human Capital and Economic Growth
Stephan, John J. [Author], The Russian Far East: A History
Stevenson, Robert Louis [Author], The Beach of Falesa
Stevenson, Robert Louis [Author], David Balfour
Stewart, Quincy Thomas [Author], Race in the Machine: A Novel Account
Stiegler, Bernard [Author], Acting Out
           Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation
Strickmann, Michel [Author], Chinese Magical Medicine
Stromberg, Peter G. [Author], Caught in Play: How Entertainment Works on You
Subramanian, Ajantha [Author], Shorelines: Space and Rights in South India
Sullivan, Elaine A. [Author], Constructing the Sacred
Sullivan, Winnifred Fallers [Editor], After Secular Law
Surprenant, Céline [Translated by], The Speculative Remark: (One of Hegel’s Bons Mots)
Sussman, Henry [Editor], Acts of Narrative
Sutherland, John [Author], The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction
Swedberg, Richard [Editor], On Capitalism
Swenson, James B. [Translated by], Short Voyages to the Land of the People
Szondi, Peter [Author], An Essay on the Tragic
           Celan Studies